I found my travel companion as a wife

I always wanted to travel around India but had been procrastinating about it. Then I met my wife who was also a wannabe travel enthusiast like me. We decided to make traveling a real deal for us.

I love to travel with my wife. We have developed it as a common hobby which we can explore together.

I am not talking about Insta trending foreign trips to places like the Maldives and all. I cannot afford those foreign trips as I have many financial responsibilities and I cannot just spend whatever I earn on traveling to exotic locations.

But that doesn’t stop us from traveling within our means.

We both want to explore India first before we plan to take a trip away from the country.

  • Indis is a great place to travel. It got everything.
    • It’s diverse and rich in culture.
    • It’s full of interesting historical and cultural stories.
    • It’s beautiful. It got great beaches, mountains, food, Just all of it.

Roadtrips, history, culture, great views, and stories. These are the things that excite us most.

Traveling with my wife has been a great bonding exercise for us. Every step I take with my wife brings us closer. With a bonus of a ton of memories and exciting experiences.

We started our traveling journal with Nanital, Ranikhet, and Lucknow. We included these places on our honeymoon itself.

We didn’t want to be that couple who spend most of the honeymoon lying around the hotel room.

We decided to roam around for most of our trip. And we did.

After 1 month I visited my wife’s place on Holi. She has her home in Agra.

Agra as we all know is a land of beautiful historical heritage. The biggest one is the Taj Mahal.

I had never been to Taj so it was the first thing I jumped into. We had a pleasant evening at Taj. We clicked a bunch of pictures and sat near the main doom looking over the Yamuna river in the evening.

Next, we went to Agra Fort, which I found to be better than the Taj Mahal. It has much more to it. More stories. More depth. And also it is very beautiful from the inside. You can even get a great view of the Taj from the fort.

  • Then we took a road trip to Mathura and Vrindaban on the day of Holi. We soaked ourselves in flying colors, danced with the crowd.
    • We visited the beautiful grand temples of Vrindaban in the evening.
    • It was a such meditating experience that one will not find in exotic locations.

Then we arrived at The city established by the Great Akbar, Fatherpur Sikri. We explored the Buland Darwaja, Jama Masjid, Salim Chisti Dargah, and 5 Mahal( Where Akbar and Jodha Bai lived).

We explored its beauty, history, and stories behind it. My favorite moment was — watching the sunset from 5 Mahal

We want to create a bunch of traveling stories before we plan for a new family member. We want to collect enough bedtime stories to tell our future kids.

Our next trip plan is for another place that has a 1000-year-old rich culture and history, Khajuraho. we will visit Khajuraho in April.

Akhilesh Mishra
Akhilesh Mishra
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